Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day one of CP-12

What is CP-12?  I have no idea what it stands for since I don't speak Army Jargon... But... it's more or less an accreditation for OSHA and ANSI style courses.  What's the point?  Why am I taking it?  Because.... it's further education, and quite frankly, i'll take any I can get.

Day one... Today.  Yesterday was great.  Got some good gouge from a guy that's graduating today.  I also have "Co-Worker" graduating today... but he's "awesome" and didn't want to tell me what to expect.  What a guy!  Anyway, B.S.'d with this guy.... got some free food and dishes.... so i'm pretty much set up. Gave me some good tips on what to do and when to do it in this course.

4 months.  Seems long.  But, i don't think it's that bad.  It's supposed to be pretty brutal, this course, or courses... Been related to trying to drink water out of a fire hose.  A lot of information, a lot of tests, a lot of course work.  So... not a popular or funny post today... and yeah, its been since forever... but, it's a new one, regardless.

See ya on the flip side!


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

No... I'm not talking about the band. I'm talking about me. So.... Blogging. It's really a chore to keep up. As I'm sure Leslie can attest to. Not fun, and when you don't keep it up, people quit checking it, and then when you do update it, you're probably just updating it for yourself because no one's reading or looking anymore since you haven't updated it in almost a year! Wow... are you still following me here?? Good.

So, I was actually reading another blog this morning, (which i NEVER DO by the way) and it's from a woman i went to school with until my Junior Year when, at that time, we moved to Molalla. Anyway, name not important. So, i'm reading her blog and it's written JUST LIKE I WOULD HAVE WROTE IT! It's amazing. It's like reading my own work! She types things just like she says things. That's my trick! Hey, WTF... I've been plagiarized. Anyway, it doesn't matter at this point and I'm relatively sure she's safe from any legal battles that might come down the chute. So, i'm reading this blog, and about 1/2 way through my reading of her 2nd post, I just start laughing, because, this is just amazing stuff. At the same time, you almost feel like a peeping TOM. Why? i'll tell ya.

For one, did anyone catch the part that this is a woman i knew since school all the way up until my Junior year??? Yeah. So, lets recap here. So from our formative years until basically 16/17. Then...... that's it. I moved. Graduated High School at Molalla Union High School, got a job, got married, had a kid, got divorced, joined the Marines, moved really really far away, still loved the Marines, moved closer to home thanks to the Marines, got married again, married a Marine, started have many more kids all born in the same month. Again, thanks to the Marines, moved to Nebraska, thanks to the marines, moved to NC, thanks to the marines, built/bought a house, thanks to ..... well.... me actually, but my point is, a lot has happened since about 1990. A lot. Then Facebook comes around and it gives you almost this hidden permission to intrude into other peoples lives that you otherwise would have never intruded on at all! Let me give you an example of that as well; my wife has friends on Facebook and somehow i became friends with her friends aunt?!!! Sorry. had to end that. But there i was, friends? Anyway my point is, here comes facebook, here comes the excuse to now be "friends" with someone that you haven't even talked to or heard of or seen in easily 20 years. What kind of a friend is that????? That's kind of messed up on the friend scale i think.

Anyway...... it was facebook. Yep. Facebook and all of our witty posts. That's what got me to follow and read her blog today. As I'm betting, a few of you that are new to this are doing the same thing, right now. Following my Facebook info page to this page.

So, thanks Lynda. Thanks a lot. Now what to write about tomorrow?

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Casey Tyler/ Dax Parsons/ and nameless other nameless names

SO... Casey Tyler.... what/who/when/why/where.... What is Casey Tyler? Who is Casey Tyler? (that one's easy) When is Casey Tyler? Why Casey Tyler?? And just where is Casey Tyler??

Man, so many questions, so many answers, so little time. It all starts somewhere around 1997. Camp Pendleton, CA. 7th Motor Transportation Battalion. (7th Motors) Just trying to set the stage.

What is Casey Tyler? Answer: Code Name
Who is Casey Tyler? Answer: Bryan Simpkins
When is Casey Tyler? Answer: 1995-1999
Why Casey Tyler? Answer: Only Natural Light has that answer
Where is Casey Tyler? Answer: TEX-ASS!

Okay, enough of the sideways talk. The other day I got an email off a comment on this blog. From Casey Tyler. Haven't heard that name in 10 years! Casey Tyler (Who's real name is Bryan Simpkins) found me. How?? Think about it.... how many Mark Brown's do you suppose are in the United States?? Um... more than 3, for sure. Anyway, Bryan was my neighbor in the barracks. I lived in 303, and he lived next door. Lots of blurry memories around that time, but regardless.... a good friend. Great times were had at that barracks. Remember, this is where i met Heather. Well... Bryan's birthday is on New Years Eve.

He once said that everybody in this WORLD celebrates his birthday. Everyone is partying on his birthday. How can you not enjoy that???? Anyway, New Years 1998 we had a party at our apartment in Oceanside. A good one at that. Why bring that up??? Cause he brought it up first.

My guess is that now that Bryan has found me and we talked last night... he will be visiting this website. Good to fucking go! I'll introduce everyone to Simpkins here in a minute. I'm gonna attach his pic on here.

Anyway, Bryan, I'm glad you found me brother. I'm glad i have your contact number and I'm glad that Heather and I finally have somewhere to stay when we go to Texas! You've got somewhere to stay when you come to NC, my friend.

Anyway, this post is a SHOUT OUT! to Casey Tyler. A.K.A. Bryan Simpkins... I know that's backwards, but that's the point.

Happy Birthday Marine!! Semper Fi Brother

Happy New Year every one.

Talk to someone you haven't talked to in years. You'll make their day.

Later skaters!

Here is the Simpkins Family:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Shopping

This has been a pretty heavy task this year, to say the least. As the kids get older i find that shopping for them gets to be more of a BITCH! I mean, they get smarter, quicker, and dare i say just a little bit more ingenious. Their requests change daily on what they want. GREAT!!! But, i will say this, I've taken them all out to go shopping and it's been pretty damn fun, as well. Hayden's the only one who needs to get the younger ones anything. They hooked Heather up with gifts, so that's done. THey were pretty stoked about buying shit for Mom.

Now, that being said, I saw a great thing years ago from one of Heather's family members. We'll just call this family member, "Tim" Heuer. SO as not to let anyone know who I'm talking about. So, "Tim" Heuer goes out and buys himself all the cool shit he wants, and then he wraps it up and puts other peoples names on who it's from. Then puts that under the tree, and so without anyone knowing... they all bought "TIM" HEUER gifts!!! Fucking awesome idea. I'm thinking of doing the same thing. THANKS "TIM."

Why can't all Christmas shopping be like that??? Just buy what you want, put their names on it in the from column and be done with it. They're just as surprised to see what it is. It's a win, win, win.

Who knew that one of the Heuer clan would be such an innovator.

Been rocking out to the FOO FIGHTERS greatest hits CD this morning. Glad i bought it. I just didn't have the patience to keep it wrapped up and put under the tree....

Hmmmm... there's a flaw in this design.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sneads Ferry

So, we're thinking about buying a house in Sneads Ferry, NC.

WE like the area. Small, quaint, quiet, and on the coast and the New River Inlet. We're gonna go look at a few houses today.

4 of em i think.

SNEADS FERRY. Go ahead and google it... i know you want to.



Friday, October 2, 2009

Time for a Cool Change...

Yeah man....

This is an older 70's/80's band... Don't really give a shit. Not a huge fan of ALL their music but I like a great deal of it. This song just reminds me of being outside on a crisp morning at the beach in Newport, OR. Just about 9 minutes AFTER Sunrise. Or about 9 minutes BEFORE sunset.

You'll get it. It's usually those moments we have that stupid talk with ourselves and our mystery NOBODY about how far we've come in our life.

Ha HA.. Funny


Cool Change. Little River Band.

ENjoy it.

As always, it's here on the iDisk

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I'm actually a huge Buck Owens Fan. Now I don't go and start wearing red felt suits and pearl button shirts with white piping.... but... i do listen to his music. Unlike the homo Roy Clark... I hated him on Hee Haw. Buck Owens and the Buckaroos....
Good shit!!!

Song...... Buckaroo.

Again.. its in my idisk



Todays Song

As usual, on my iDisk is today's song of the day. Man, for some reason it's been stuck in my head.... beyond that.... i own the damn CD, and I have his concert on Blu-Ray...

I might be a latent closet homosexual for liking this guy, but oh well.

John Mayer.... Slow Dancing in a Burning Room

Good Shit...

Here's the link to my iDISK
