Sunday, June 10, 2007

HD Style


Where have I been right?

I don't wanna hear it, Leslie.

Here's what's been going on. I've been going through some excruciating back pain lately. I have an MRI scheduled on the 14th finally, Thanks Heather. It was for a whole lot later, but Heather did some black magic and turned some B.S. around. This is sort of a reaccuring thing for me, however, this is worse than before. Anyway, I'm not going to go into great detail over that.

However, it has sort of slowed me down on this computer. I usually get up in the morning and type on this damn thing. Well, hell I can barely move, let alone, sit on my ass and type about stuff. So, I've just been avoiding the computer, in general.

New stuff. Heather bought a motorcycle. A 2004 Sportster. We go and pick it up today. It's in Northern North Carolina. Bout a couple hour drive. She's pretty excited, and hopefully she'll be serious about riding it more than she did the MZ. If not... then I guess I just bought myself a Sportster. No, I think she'll be riding quite a bit. Couple of the guys at work have their big bagger bikes, and I think she goes into work drooling over them, and plus everytime she fills up the Mazda, she must be thinking how nice a 5 gal. tank would be. Regardless... We'll be looking at some "Heather Flair" this week for her to wear while riding. It's just how it is. She's gotta coordinate with her accessories, that being the bike and her clothes. Too funny. You can take the girl out of California, but you can't take the California out of the girl. Oh well, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Still working. Still working. Right around 10-14 hours overtime a week. Looking at going into Saturday's soon. Not looking forward to that, but whatever. The Marines have created another mission. Our contract got extended another year. So, that's good. Kids' last day is Thursday, and they couldn't be any happier. Us too, quite frankly. Man, I hated homework then, and I hate it now.

Anyhow, I'll try to get on here more often.

Later, kids.