Monday, June 8, 2009


Is a day like any other day. You know, I kind of find it refreshing that I haven't been keeping up with this thing for MONTHS. Lets me know who's really reading this thing, and who really isn't.

Not that I REALLY care. I mean there's only a few people that can actually influence me one way or the other on any certain issues. Both are female. SO the rest of you.... oh well.

Anyway... Today has just been a really boring day. Not much to speak of and not much to brag about. Seems I'm speaking of it quite a bit right now though. Cold hard facts.... Today sucked. Yesterday however.... GREAT! I finished putting the Body Mount Bushings on the Jeep. Holy shit.... 14 years in the East Coast weather will do a number on STEEL. Oh well, nothing an air drill, cobalt bits, and an angle grinder couldn't take care of... Oh... and some Safety Glasses. Safety IS NO ACCIDENT!

If you didn't already know.. Safety is the OXYMORON in my life. I'm employed by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to be the representative for the Marine Corps at Camp Lejeune to be the SAFETY/ENVIRONMENTAL and OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH inspector. SO, no shit, I have to actually inspect people and shops to make sure they're compliant with OSHA and EPA. Any one that really knows me, knows I've been doing this job for a few years now and been in this field since 1997. (Second job as a Marine even before I met Heather.) YEs, I did have a life even before I met a Heuer. One spent being an Environmentalist and avid supporter of GREEN issues (primarily in Oregon and parts of Okinawa) Japan has a great GREEN way of thinking. Anyway.... off my high horse and pedestal and soap box, and rant. Whatever you wanna call it, who ever is reading this.

So, the oxymoron is that I'm the big SAFETY NAZI at work, but when I come home and work on my own shit.. I'm rarely seen with safety glasses or any PPE that would be suitable for the job at hand. That was until I saw a guy get a CHUNK, not a SHARD, or a SLIVER, or a SHAVING, but a CHUNK of Aluminum lodged in his eye. Yeah... aluminum. FUN STUFF. SO I'm a safety glass guy now. Even at home. Even.... AT.... HOME!

JUST A SIDE NOTE... Dream job.... working for the Timber industry as the Environmental Engineer / Chemist to help find the balance between EARTH and MACHINE. Long story, and you wouldn't understand unless you are from where I'm from.

But some of you might... and good for you...

I got a million dollar idea too....


Sunday, June 7, 2009

2 in a ROW!

yeah yeah yeah.. I know. Really, the only person I anticipate reading this, is Heather. Well, at least today anyway. If you're reading this, and it's not 07 June 2009... then I've just made my point. Though I don't blame you.. like I said before, I'm a SHITTY BLOGGER.

Well, it was supposed to have been a freaking DOWNPOUR all weekend. Instead, it's been rather nice. God damn weather men.. Oh well, good enough. I"m kind of glad we didn't go camping. i actually got a lot done this weekend with the jeep. Replacing all the body mounts and bushings to POLYURETHANE bushings. Why?? I know.. that's the same question Heather asked. Because, its' gonna make the jeep tighter and all the other bushings and body mounts were all dry rotted and falling off the jeep. There will be a NOTICEABLE difference. Man, i just realized I haven't really put up any pictures of the Jeep since I had all the work done to it. I'll have to work on getting some pictures posted. Dark Blue and Tan are the primary colors, with secondary hint colors being BLACK. So.... it looks awesome. So all the new bushings are BLACK. Shocks are paint matched to the body, dark blue. with Black boots on the shocks and Steering Stabalizer. Tan Seats, and Dash. Brand new Tan Sail Cloth Soft Top with Tinted windows.

Anyway, I could go on and make you see it in your mind's eye, but I"m just not gonna.

I'll post pics later.

So, yesterday we all went out to LOGAN'S Steakhouse to eat. Nothing special, but Hayden... WOW.. He now eats Onion Rings or Onion Petals as these were called. He freaking loves them. THink I could get ANYONE else to even smell one or try one??? Fuck no. Heather is the classic, "NO WAY" girl when it comes to food.

Baby.... if you try it, the kids will to..

Anyway, good to go Hayden. Proud of you

Alright, I'm gonna work on them pictures.

Later, kids.


Saturday, June 6, 2009


Okay, So I'm actually terrible at keeping up with any of this shit. Blogging, MySpace (which I do like once every solstice), Facebook, Twitter (I don't actually have a Twitter account, and I never will either. I don't get it but i just added it to seems hip and with the times, like I know what I"m talking about.) So, it's inevitable that I come back to this god damn blog and BLOG about how shitty of a BLOGGER I am. Well, if you know me, I actually enjoy writing and shit, but man, just having to get on the computer anymore is a total pain in the ass.

Plus for a while there, I just didn't feel like updating any of you with what was going on in my daily life. Mostly because Mark's Daily life was starting to SUCK. BIG TIME.

2009.... You can go and fuck yourself. YOU SUCK! Shit, I would even say Dec. 2008 through all of 2009, eat my ass!

So yeah, life has been royally sucking but who gives a shit? That's just life. Roll with it baby. Plus, most of you know about Brittany.

Cancer. WTF? Yeah, it's Stage 2B Hodkins. What's that mean??? Well, not a lot right now, as of today. She's 1/3 the way through her LAST round of Chemo right now. After that, she SAYS she's going to be going to the cancer camp UKANDU in Oxbow Park, where we're from, but we'll see. Then after that, she'll start Radiation. Yay! Then, for the most part, that should be the end of the cancer ordeal. Not really. She's still got a lot of shit to do to make sure it don't come back and monitoring.

Only good thing to come out of 2009... Doernbecher Children's Hospital. Till the FUCKING DAY I DIE, I will always try to find a way to either donate, or volunteer for the hospital. What a bunch of high class, top notch, grade A, bunch of people. SALT OF THE FUCKING EARTH! I love every one of em... SO whatever I can do... I'm gonna.

Let's talk about Cancer... I never thought I'd become an expert on Cancer, but these past few months have been an absolute learning experience. Wanna hear something cool?? I got this chick I work with.... well, I don't really WORK with her per say, but she is in the same building as I am and we talk sometimes. Get the drift?? Okay, well she got married, recently and she's got family that has had cancer and yadda yadda yadda. Her Dad I think, actually. Not sure. Anyway, for her wedding "favors" or whatevers that everyone gets..... They instead made a donation for every person that was going to come to the wedding in each of that persons name to some cancer society. Everyone got a neat little card/plaque whatever thingy that said that they have just donated to some cancer society. So, I think they spent like 10K to make sure each person donated a certain amount.

Anyway, I"m killing this story, but you get the drift. Thought that was pretty neat. She didn't do it cause I got a kid with cancer, I think it was just the motivation she and her husband needed to come up with an idea that would be different than everyone elses. Whatever.

Work has been amazing lately. Really supportive and totally amazing. I have been having people from all over DONATE annual leave to me so I can head back and still be getting paid. Amazing. You'd have to be a Marine or been one to get the letter I wrote them all referencing what it feels like to be living what we've all been taught as Marines. A few phrases "you never leave a Marine behind" and "we take care of our own."

If you never were one.... That sucks for you. But, it's an amazing feeling knowing that there are people in like 5 other states donating leave to ME. Cause, we're all a bunch of former and retired Marines working for a common goal, and we do take care of each other in their times of hardship and need. 98% of these people don't know me. They just know that I'm a Marine, and I needed help. That's it. Oh, and that I have a kid that has a "undiagnosed mass" (that's all it was at the time when they were donating leave.)

Anyway, this is getting long, and that's just how I work, I guess. I ramble on.
I really did wanna just log on and write something.

As far as our issues we're having here in 2009... To be continued, I guess...

Later, skaters.