History goes that this was one of Blackbeards many islands he frequented and used in his times as a pirate. On top of that, he had a few ships go aground near there. Which leads me to this point. There are actual WILD HORSES (Ponies) on that Island.
And have been for hundreds of years. Since the days of Blackbeard. Apparently one of his ships carrying a shit load of horses, went aground at the shackleford banks and they've been living there ever since. The state has them all tagged and is watching them all, but they are protected and there is actual fresh water on that island. It's a great place and I plan on going back soon. I had the time of my life. Fishing, relaxing and just plain KICKIN' it on the island, completely by myself. No sounds of cars, no other boats, really to speak of, no other people. You're on an uninhibited island, aside from the ponies and wildlife. It was great.
A must do, if you have access to a boat.
I took this picture at sunrise the next morning. It's amazing how sunrises look so much like an Oregon Sunset off Tillamook. Gave me goosebumps of the similarity.