Well, I talked to Heather today. Actually she called my office DSN.!! SO it was totally free. I've got her DSN number as well.
I also have her mailing address, and call me old fashioned, but I'm not gonna post it on the internet. If you all want it, email me and I'll launch it out. The tip when you send shit.. On your declaring sheet, put Point of Origin as US. I don't know why, but I"m just doing what the boss lady is telling me.
Moto Mail.... I have a little more info on it. But once I get it seamless, I'll repost on that as well.
Check that out.
If you're bored.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
The Trampoline is broken. Boys. That's all I gotta say about that. The straps that hold the netting to the poles... Broken. Gee how did that happen??? Could it be from all that leaning on it??
Anyway, the trampoline is out of commission. Until I can find a way to jimmy rig that damn thing.
The Trampoline is broken. Boys. That's all I gotta say about that. The straps that hold the netting to the poles... Broken. Gee how did that happen??? Could it be from all that leaning on it??
Anyway, the trampoline is out of commission. Until I can find a way to jimmy rig that damn thing.
Maisy's Birthday
Well, Maisy had her birthday party, today. It went off without a hitch. All the girls were over. They had a blast. Maisy was quite the Miss Priss today. She was in heaven. For about 2 hours there were more hugs and awwww's and oooohhh's and even more hugs and "oh, my goodness" than I could even prepare for. Hayden, Mason and I just stood by and watched it all unfold.

This is Maisy, all super stoked about her "Pet Shops" toy.
Like I said. We had a good day.
Heather called at 1300 today. Right on time. She's using some LCpl's (her roommate) computer as of now to correspond with me through email.
Your mission: Get smart on SPAWARE?? I think that's how you spell it. As well as MOTOMAIL.
Motomail you can write like an email, and it's gets sent to them like a letter. An actual piece of mail. They get it in like 2 or 3 days, also. It works both ways.
SO I thought that would be real cool. I guess that's the big ticket over there, right now.
I'm out.
This is Maisy, all super stoked about her "Pet Shops" toy.
Like I said. We had a good day.
Heather called at 1300 today. Right on time. She's using some LCpl's (her roommate) computer as of now to correspond with me through email.
Your mission: Get smart on SPAWARE?? I think that's how you spell it. As well as MOTOMAIL.
Motomail you can write like an email, and it's gets sent to them like a letter. An actual piece of mail. They get it in like 2 or 3 days, also. It works both ways.
SO I thought that would be real cool. I guess that's the big ticket over there, right now.
I'm out.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Flying to Kuwait
This is a post that's primarily for Heather. There's a bit of voyeurism in all of us, so I know that you'll just continue reading all the same. Plus, it's on a blog, so what's not to be expected is usually expected. That being said... since you're gonna read anyway, let me give a bit of a background; Heather left on Sunday (20th) to check into Tampa (MARCENT) all of her peers left on Thursday and she was told to stay and get a little more "training" before she goes. She's going to be dealing with MARCENT on a frequent basis. So she is scheduled to fly out on Saturday (26th, day before Maisy's birthday. Maisy desperately wants to talk to her Mom today. She wants "...to be the last kid to talk to her before she leaves the United States" as she said so desperately last night. Cute. She will land in Kuwait at 1700 ish on Sunday Kuwait time. Incase you're looking for a quick formula.... It's 7 hours ahead of the east coast. If it's 1700 in Kuwait on Sunday.... It's 1000 at my house on Sunday. Make sense??? Alright, that being said.
Heather, I know you're gonna get a chance to read this soon enough, and we have been talking every day since you left, about 4 times a day at least... You're worried if that's too much for the kids or not enough, for their own minds and you leaving. It's been perfect. This has been one of the best transitions I've seen. The kids are sad, but they're happy that you're always happy on the phone. You cry and they cry. But in a good way. It makes you more "real" in their eyes for some reason. It's like they can relate to why you're so sad. Hayden finally broke last night. Took 5 days, but he broke last night, and I can relate. He's so much like his father. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. He was strong at the airport and was strong for 5 days. It finally caught up with him and he lost it. He misses you desperately. Mason is getting better, and Maisy is Maisy.
Myself.. I miss you. But, I'm doing okay. I know that you're looking here to see what's new and what's happening with us. I'm okay. You've asked me a few times and that's what I keep telling you. It's just the logistics of you being gone. Basically, I think that, as of today, I finally have it made. Ive developed the pattern that we were looking for. I'm now ready for you to be gone, but I'm ready for you to be home ASAP, only because I miss you. But, I told you at the airport that you don't need to worry about ANYTHING on this end. I've got it from here. You just need to look out for you, right now. You don't need to sweat or stress anything happening or not happening at home. You just stay smart, stay safe, and listen.
We talked about this before, and it's something that Chris said before. Look, listen, and digest. Stay smart, and you'll be just fine. Those of you wondering about what I mean when I say "smart." Don't worry, Heather knows what I mean. It's not about being "smart" to prove something. We get it, and she knows what I'm saying.
Remember, sight alignment, sight picture, breathing, center mass and .... whip it on!
I'll see you in 7 months. I love you and miss you. I look forward to your call from Kuwait.
I've got it on this end.
Heather, I know you're gonna get a chance to read this soon enough, and we have been talking every day since you left, about 4 times a day at least... You're worried if that's too much for the kids or not enough, for their own minds and you leaving. It's been perfect. This has been one of the best transitions I've seen. The kids are sad, but they're happy that you're always happy on the phone. You cry and they cry. But in a good way. It makes you more "real" in their eyes for some reason. It's like they can relate to why you're so sad. Hayden finally broke last night. Took 5 days, but he broke last night, and I can relate. He's so much like his father. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. He was strong at the airport and was strong for 5 days. It finally caught up with him and he lost it. He misses you desperately. Mason is getting better, and Maisy is Maisy.
Myself.. I miss you. But, I'm doing okay. I know that you're looking here to see what's new and what's happening with us. I'm okay. You've asked me a few times and that's what I keep telling you. It's just the logistics of you being gone. Basically, I think that, as of today, I finally have it made. Ive developed the pattern that we were looking for. I'm now ready for you to be gone, but I'm ready for you to be home ASAP, only because I miss you. But, I told you at the airport that you don't need to worry about ANYTHING on this end. I've got it from here. You just need to look out for you, right now. You don't need to sweat or stress anything happening or not happening at home. You just stay smart, stay safe, and listen.
We talked about this before, and it's something that Chris said before. Look, listen, and digest. Stay smart, and you'll be just fine. Those of you wondering about what I mean when I say "smart." Don't worry, Heather knows what I mean. It's not about being "smart" to prove something. We get it, and she knows what I'm saying.
Remember, sight alignment, sight picture, breathing, center mass and .... whip it on!
I'll see you in 7 months. I love you and miss you. I look forward to your call from Kuwait.
I've got it on this end.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Rain.... Has Stopped.... For now??
Doesn't matter. It's not raining right now. I took Roscoe out for his 0425 PEE and I was dry as a bone when I walked in. Dry as a bone... Hmmm. I'm sure there's a reason that expression has is place in the american lexicon... but "dry" as a "bone." I have like over 200 bones in my body. Not one of them damn things is "dry." As a matter of fact, they're covered in muscle and all kinds of other fluid. Actually, I don't really know that, either. I DID take Anatomy back in college (Oregon City) but we're talking about something 16 years ago. Anyway... "dry."
But yeah... No Rain, however, our "weather guesser" says we have a 50% chance of rain today. Wow... really went out on a limb there, didn't he? 50% chance?? That mean's he's got a flip of a quarter of being right. God damn weather men... what a scam. I could be weather man. Mark's mobile weather service. About every hour I could just call in to the studio from my truck or motorcycle or whatever, look up at the sky.. "Yep... I'm gonna give it about a 50% chance of rain. Partly cloudy. Bout a 50% chance of the sun breaking through later this afternoon. Overall... gonna be an average day."
That was easy. Now pay me.
But yeah... No Rain, however, our "weather guesser" says we have a 50% chance of rain today. Wow... really went out on a limb there, didn't he? 50% chance?? That mean's he's got a flip of a quarter of being right. God damn weather men... what a scam. I could be weather man. Mark's mobile weather service. About every hour I could just call in to the studio from my truck or motorcycle or whatever, look up at the sky.. "Yep... I'm gonna give it about a 50% chance of rain. Partly cloudy. Bout a 50% chance of the sun breaking through later this afternoon. Overall... gonna be an average day."
That was easy. Now pay me.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Did I actually see that???
Did I actually see a FORSBERG JERSEY on an Avalanche player last week??? When the FLIP did that happen????
I meant to bring it up earlier, but I just lost track of it. I thought about it again watching Stanley Cup playoffs tonight. Caps/Flyers.
But.... PETER FORSBERG??? ADAM FOOTE??? JOE SAKIC???? I mean it's like a flash back to 2001 again!! GOOD TO GO!!
Anyway, I know I've been out of the loop, but wow.... I wasn't ready for that.
I meant to bring it up earlier, but I just lost track of it. I thought about it again watching Stanley Cup playoffs tonight. Caps/Flyers.
But.... PETER FORSBERG??? ADAM FOOTE??? JOE SAKIC???? I mean it's like a flash back to 2001 again!! GOOD TO GO!!
Anyway, I know I've been out of the loop, but wow.... I wasn't ready for that.
This is for you Heather
Okay... Let me explain. I've been telling Heather just how clean the house has been since 1635 on Sunday early evening. Just 3 hours after we dropped her off (you gotta find something to do to get your mind off of things.) Anyhow, we ALL here have been taking a concerted effort to keep it this way.
Kind of hard, but remarkably easy on the same hand.
Anyway honey... this was for you.
No pictures??
Nope. No pictures. Wanna know why? Cause I'm Lazy AND my camera is in the truck, and have I told you that we have had a hovering twisting circling storm over Camp Lejeune for 2 DAYS!!! It's still raining.
Man, well it's 0455, and I'm about to get the kids up and ready for Day Care and Youth Center. I told them since they were ready so quickly yesterday, that I would wake them up 15 min. later today. I'll hold up my end of the bargain, but they better get moving, or tomorrow it's 0455 again. I know it only takes about 10-15 minutes for the average human being to get up, get out of bed, drag a comb across your head (ooo a good beatles reference) but it literally takes 3 times as long for our 3 kids!! I don't know why... I don't really care, either, I just know that if I don't take some preemptive measures to counteract this phenom, I will be paying the price later.
Alright, You all enjoy today.
Man, well it's 0455, and I'm about to get the kids up and ready for Day Care and Youth Center. I told them since they were ready so quickly yesterday, that I would wake them up 15 min. later today. I'll hold up my end of the bargain, but they better get moving, or tomorrow it's 0455 again. I know it only takes about 10-15 minutes for the average human being to get up, get out of bed, drag a comb across your head (ooo a good beatles reference) but it literally takes 3 times as long for our 3 kids!! I don't know why... I don't really care, either, I just know that if I don't take some preemptive measures to counteract this phenom, I will be paying the price later.
Alright, You all enjoy today.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Day One
Well, it's been 24 hours. 6 months from now, I'm gonna look back on this and feel silly for even bringing that up, but for now, I'll take it. Anyway, the kids are taking it pretty well. Not bad at all. Maisy's doing better. She's still sad, but only when she's quiet and has time to think about Mom being gone. They're staying pretty busy.
Mason is getting sick?? Who knows?? He's been coughing and hacking, but no fever, yet.
Anyhow, we've talked with Heather 4 times so far. She's going to be an Admin Chief over in Kuwait at the Reception Center where Marines will be coming and going. Pretty cush. Not bad. I'm happy about that. Moreover, she's happy about that. There's 3 friends you need in the Marines. Admin, supply and an armorer. If you have those 3, you're golden. Period.
Anyway, I'll keep you all updated as I hear more.
Mason is getting sick?? Who knows?? He's been coughing and hacking, but no fever, yet.
Anyhow, we've talked with Heather 4 times so far. She's going to be an Admin Chief over in Kuwait at the Reception Center where Marines will be coming and going. Pretty cush. Not bad. I'm happy about that. Moreover, she's happy about that. There's 3 friends you need in the Marines. Admin, supply and an armorer. If you have those 3, you're golden. Period.
Anyway, I'll keep you all updated as I hear more.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
I'm glad that's over
Wow.. That was probably the most painful thing I've gone through in a lot of years. Poor Heather. Poor Maisy. Maisy took it the worst. We were all quiet and sharing nervous laughter in the truck on the way to the airport. We all knew it was inevitable at some time. Well, checking in the baggage took about 15 minutes, and then it was off to the metal detector part of our voyage. Here we were. First person to say goodbye (or rather NOT want to say goodbye) was Maisy. She was already crying. That was it. It was over after that. Heather was losing it. Mason looked like he didn't know what to do, Hayden kept his sunglasses on, and I was slowly losing it myself. Poor Maisy. It was one of the hardest kisses to ever give or receive. I told her "I've got it on this end and not to worry." (She's been nesting for the past 7 days getting ready, making sure nothing was NOT done.) She said "I know, and I love you." That was about the gist of it all. I won't go into details. Those are ours to keep (Myself, Hayden, Maisy and Mason.) It was a long walk to the truck. Longest 400 feet I've ever walked in my entire life. As a matter of fact, it's 188 steps from the counter to the truck. We all said nothing except sniffle and wipe our eyes, all the way to the truck. In fact, it may have very well been the quietest we've ever all been before.
Maisy said the cutest thing on the way home. We stopped by BK and got some happy meals (the irony in that word is staggering at that moment) and on our way out of the drive thru, Maisy says, "Dad, every time I try to say Mom's name in my head or my mouth I start CRYING!!" Man, I'll tell you what, kids are amazing. I know that kids are the biggest liars at times, but sometimes the way they put the truth that is in their little hearts is enough to topple the biggest man, I don't care who you are.
"Well, you know what, every time I try and say her name, I get a bit emotional too" I told her. Well, like I said, I'm glad that's over. I don't want to do that again for a long time. I'm not sure how families do that over and over again. Especially like some of my neighbors on my street who are sometimes usually home for only 5 months before having to do it all over again. That's devastating. We're all bound to go through this again, I just hope it's not for atleast another year or so after she gets back.
Alright, more to come.
Maisy said the cutest thing on the way home. We stopped by BK and got some happy meals (the irony in that word is staggering at that moment) and on our way out of the drive thru, Maisy says, "Dad, every time I try to say Mom's name in my head or my mouth I start CRYING!!" Man, I'll tell you what, kids are amazing. I know that kids are the biggest liars at times, but sometimes the way they put the truth that is in their little hearts is enough to topple the biggest man, I don't care who you are.
"Well, you know what, every time I try and say her name, I get a bit emotional too" I told her. Well, like I said, I'm glad that's over. I don't want to do that again for a long time. I'm not sure how families do that over and over again. Especially like some of my neighbors on my street who are sometimes usually home for only 5 months before having to do it all over again. That's devastating. We're all bound to go through this again, I just hope it's not for atleast another year or so after she gets back.
Alright, more to come.
Boots On The Ground
Today is the day. Man, I haven't been looking forward to this day AT ALL. But, regardless, it is here. Heather, if you get a chance to read this before you punch out on the bird, I miss you already. Be safe, be smart, and more importantly, try to have fun at the very minimum. The kids and I can hardly wait for you to come home. We're proud of you and I know how important this is to you. If you haven't ever worn the uniform or stood in the boots, you'll never get it, and I quite frankly don't expect you to. Anyone that ever has... Gets it.
So, that being said, I'm gonna have to start writing more on this blog. I think MySpace is a no go over there, but she may be able to pull this page up I think without it pulling a red flag on the filters. That being said, stay tuned.
We're off to take Heather to the Airport. I love you honey. See you soon.

So, that being said, I'm gonna have to start writing more on this blog. I think MySpace is a no go over there, but she may be able to pull this page up I think without it pulling a red flag on the filters. That being said, stay tuned.
We're off to take Heather to the Airport. I love you honey. See you soon.
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