I have to credit Heather for all of this. Had she not been deployed and not brought up the Military Overseas Sales thing to me. We would have never done this. I was looking at Ultra Classics for a while but was himming and hawing and researching it to death for MONTHS!! literally, a long ass time. Sitting on the fence.
Last time I heard about Overseas Military Sales was in Okinawa. It's a swingin deal, and I wasn't really into it then, but fast forward 13 years later and I had completely forgotten about it. Heather said she would talk to her rep in Kuwait about it, and then we exchanged information and BAM!!! It ended up being an even better swinging deal that I thought it was going to be.
Anyway, someone wants to research this already. I'm not going to say any names (JIM) but here's the stats. ABS brakes, SECURITY, CRUISE, CB, INTERCOM, Two Tone Paint, Cast Spoke Wheels. Blah blah blah. It's even got a cigarette lighter. I don't even smoke. BUT... it'll sure charge my ipod while I listen to it through my CD/MP3 player with built in intercom/CB. It even came with the MIC/Headset for the helmet. All new 09 frame. LED lights. Fat tires.
I'm not going to tell you how much it ended up costing me, but I can tell you that it ended up being like 20% cheaper to go through Military sales than the dealership.
Oh, and I also got an EXTRA 4 year warranty thrown on to it too because of this. Unlimited miles as well. So in total, a 6 year unlimited mile warranty, and the whole shootin match!
Plus, it was delivered to New River for me. Ready to go. Only complaint I have is that the bubbas at New River must hate Military sales cause they get NO CUT in it on the deal. Oh well. Get over it.
Lucky for me I work with a retired gunny who used to work there who is gonna hook me up with some free swag from that place. Detail kit and crap like that. I guess it's all who you know. (Thanks Todd, in advance!)
It's been a long wait, but it's here. Ordered it in Sept 08. Got here in my hands on 17 Feb.
Gonna register this pig in Colorado so I can get my Marine Corps plates put on it as well.
F-ing A!!