It's a 25% Raise. Not bad for only working 2 Days.
So, if you knew what I was making before. Add 25%.
Ridiculous. Lockheed Martin can afford it, I guess.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Holy Crap... I may have some ridiculous news by the end of this day. I gotta make this a quick post... Gotta go to work, Heather and I gotta get the kids going, and get gone. But here's the skinny... The place I work for... They need a HazMat guy. They have been authorized to hire one on. Can you believe that? So, I was TOLD to call this one guy last night after my Section Leader told me about it, saying that I was the first person he thought of when this job came open in the past 2 days. So, I called this dude, and he told me that it's mine for the taking or refusing. It all comes down to pay. If it's less that I'm offered now as an LVS mech... then, no. But he doesn't know what the pay is going to be till today. He just got authorized to hire last night. So, after much talk last night about this, I was reassured that I'm first in line for the job, if I want it.
Heather and I stayed up for a couple of hours just LAUGHING about this. What a trip. It is unbelievable how things work out. Good thing I kept the reciepts. (Inside joke that Heather and I will get)
Here's the irony. I originally joined the Marines with intentions of becoming a Motor T Mech. Well, that didn't work out. They made me a Driver after much argument. So, time goes by, I marry a Motor T Mech. Went to college with my interests in Chemistry/Biology. Well, after years of Marines, I end up working as a Asst. Chemist for Hazco, and the county and city of San Diego. So, here I am OFFERED my original request of a job, as a Motor T Mech (civilian,) and I am being offered a HazMat job as a result of acccepting said named Mech job.
Too much.
Later, kids.
Heather and I stayed up for a couple of hours just LAUGHING about this. What a trip. It is unbelievable how things work out. Good thing I kept the reciepts. (Inside joke that Heather and I will get)
Here's the irony. I originally joined the Marines with intentions of becoming a Motor T Mech. Well, that didn't work out. They made me a Driver after much argument. So, time goes by, I marry a Motor T Mech. Went to college with my interests in Chemistry/Biology. Well, after years of Marines, I end up working as a Asst. Chemist for Hazco, and the county and city of San Diego. So, here I am OFFERED my original request of a job, as a Motor T Mech (civilian,) and I am being offered a HazMat job as a result of acccepting said named Mech job.
Too much.
Later, kids.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
A Quartet
All FOUR... cuatro todo...
We won all four games last night. Bowled our butts off. Felt good. We beat a team that I CAN NOT stand. Mostly for personal reasons. Regardless... They got beat up like a narck at a biker rally. There is one other team that we can not stand. They are such whiners and babies and A-holes when bowling. I hate unsportsmanly like people. After all.. our team is just there to have fun and do something on a Tuesday night.
Hopefully we play them soon and stomp their asses. I hope, anyway. We're tied for first with that team.
Off to Wilmington today to go to Harbor Freight and then it's back to J-Ville to hit up Sears.
Anyone ever watch the Rockford files? I used to love that show as a kid, and it's still on WGN and Sleuth channel. I have it TiVo'd for a Season Pass. Jim Rockford's buddy is a burn-out deadbeat, flaky loser... I met this guy's 2007 twin. The Rockford Files is cool.
We won all four games last night. Bowled our butts off. Felt good. We beat a team that I CAN NOT stand. Mostly for personal reasons. Regardless... They got beat up like a narck at a biker rally. There is one other team that we can not stand. They are such whiners and babies and A-holes when bowling. I hate unsportsmanly like people. After all.. our team is just there to have fun and do something on a Tuesday night.
Hopefully we play them soon and stomp their asses. I hope, anyway. We're tied for first with that team.
Off to Wilmington today to go to Harbor Freight and then it's back to J-Ville to hit up Sears.
Anyone ever watch the Rockford files? I used to love that show as a kid, and it's still on WGN and Sleuth channel. I have it TiVo'd for a Season Pass. Jim Rockford's buddy is a burn-out deadbeat, flaky loser... I met this guy's 2007 twin. The Rockford Files is cool.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Did I say Mt. Fuji?

Yes, I did. On that last post it reminded me of Mt. Fuji. (Probably because I said the word.) I haven't thought about Fuji in years.
I think I've been pretty lucky, in my life, having been around the world by the age of 22. Fisher "fish" is a guy that I was stationed with at MWSS-172 in Okinawa. He was an Embarker/Ammo Tech. Well, I was over the ripe old age of 21 (most my rank weren't even 20) so I got an Ammo license, and therefore, I had to work with the Ammo Tech's. Great guy. Hilarious. Gold teeth and a riot. We got to Mt Fuji in July/August of 1998, if I remember right, anyway, it was friggin' hot!! A lot of pretty hard training and hard playing free time. Free time was little but used well. Went to Tokyo and if you've ever seen "Lost in Translation," was a lot like that movie at times.
Fuji. What a great place. I have about 2 rolls of "FILM" (remember that stuff) of Mt. Fuji. We were in the field quite a bit with the Japaneese Military so, pictures were few, but Fuji was one of those "Forced Free Times" we had. Our camp was at the base of the mountain. So, every day we would look at that knowing that the day was soon. I came from Oregon, and hiking was really no big deal, plus having only been slightly remomved from Camp Pendleton and having done 20 mile humps in the hills, I thought I was more conditioned that most other people. Turned out to to be "semi true."

Well, at 0800, our hike up the Mountain started at a pre determined base camp. We were authorized to wear shorts and a T shirt if we wanted. So, me and 2 other dudes went into Tokyo and bought the UGLIEST shirts you've ever seen, on purpose, just to bend the rules. That said, we were off climbing. 4 hours later, and legs shaking and lungs burning, we were at the top. Whoa. Intense. Along the way up the mountain, you get your hiking stick burnt with "stamps" from the locals who LIVE on that damn Mt. Well, we got to the top, and took a shit load of pictures. It's an odd feeling being above the clouds. Fuji is a volcano. There are no safety rules in that area. It's not like America. The only thing seperating you from falling in the crater, is dirt. NO GATES, NO BARRIERS, NO NOTHING. Great!!!

Add that up, with young testosterone, you're gonna get some great pictures. Here we are crawling/falling in the crater and taking pictures of it. Took a group/unit photo at the top, and we were on our way down. Now, you could either take the trail, or take your own way. Our own way is against the rules and "law," but we were pretty untouchable. SO we went down the face of the mountain. It was soft and ALL Lava rocks. Each leap was about 10 feet long. Did that for about 30 minutes and we were about 9000 feet down the mountain. By the time we reached base camp we had migraines. Dumb, but fun.
Someday, I really am gonna get a great scanner and get all these damn pictures on disk before they all go to shit.
Work and Day Care
First off... Work. So, I went to the in-briefing yesterday, and since my DS2 Package isn't in, yet, I had to go home till it comes in. (Today) and then I go take my UA, and then, I'm good. Just a formality. I get it. Base is pretty particular and kind of a stickler about rules. No biggy. So, my first day was only about 3 hours long. Just enough to get a lot of the briefings out of the way and get my info for the contractor ID. Actually, it gives me about 2 more days to get some shit squared away and together. I'm hoping to head over to Heather's work tomorrow and Thurs. to get a refresher on LVS's and get some good knowledge before I start. Plus, it gives me time to get the Tool List squared away. BUT... finally a job I can commute to with the motorcycle. How nice is that? Gas could be 10 bucks a gallon... I could care less. Just be 30 bucks to fill up. That's 1/3 of what I pay NOW for the truck. Damn truck has a swelling thirsty 30 gallon tank. Dammit. Well, I'd still care. But, regardless... No better feeling that getting on the bike and riding.
Day Care. First day for Mason with Daycare. Best part... It's about 1000 feet from our house. NOT BAD! Plus, he loves his Day Care lady. (Marina, who happens to live next door to "Fish," a guy that I was in Oki and Mt. Fuji with. Weird how shit works out. Plus, he's on my bowling team.) Hadyen and Maisy... This is their first day doing the "Youth Center" thing. The youth Center is about 1500 feet from the house, as the crow flies. This place is AMAZING!! High speed, low drag! Heather and I love this place. Plus, they have great activities for the kids to do, and they help them with their homework starting at 4:00. They get breakfast, PM snacks, and TONS of Play Time with their buddies. Plus, the bus takes them to school from there, and takes them to the Center after school. Awesome. Only a Tad Spendy, but WELL worth it.
So, ALL the kids were super stoked to get their day started. 0530, and we were ALL UP!! out the door by 0630. Done by 0700 (paper work and B.S. to do at each place) Overall... great.
Later, skaters...
Day Care. First day for Mason with Daycare. Best part... It's about 1000 feet from our house. NOT BAD! Plus, he loves his Day Care lady. (Marina, who happens to live next door to "Fish," a guy that I was in Oki and Mt. Fuji with. Weird how shit works out. Plus, he's on my bowling team.) Hadyen and Maisy... This is their first day doing the "Youth Center" thing. The youth Center is about 1500 feet from the house, as the crow flies. This place is AMAZING!! High speed, low drag! Heather and I love this place. Plus, they have great activities for the kids to do, and they help them with their homework starting at 4:00. They get breakfast, PM snacks, and TONS of Play Time with their buddies. Plus, the bus takes them to school from there, and takes them to the Center after school. Awesome. Only a Tad Spendy, but WELL worth it.
So, ALL the kids were super stoked to get their day started. 0530, and we were ALL UP!! out the door by 0630. Done by 0700 (paper work and B.S. to do at each place) Overall... great.
Later, skaters...
Monday, March 26, 2007
So... You can always tell when Hayden gets out of the shower... He gets bored and stacks stuff.
It used to start with cars...
Hence... this photo

But.. What Heather and I find it amusing that he still does this. That photo was taken just 1 month into being at Nebraska. Hayden was. 2 1/2.. Almost 3. Now.. At 6, almost 7... he's still stacking. Great. I love it, quite frankly.
By the way... The Tulips!.... The yellow one's are coming in. The daffodills are having a bunch of trouble. Seems that the kids and neighbors can't keep off of them. I tend to come from the school of thought that likes to hide behind the shed and just shoot them with a bee-bee gun. Just Kidding.
But, not really. No.. really, I'm kidding. Just wishing.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
It was a pretty good time!! We forgot some things... Minor things.
So, we went Camping.
I'll tell ya.. I must have seen A million Sunset's on the Ocean living in Oregon and California. But, this was my first time that I have ever seen a SUNRISE on the Ocean. I have to be honest with you... While this one was beautiful and spectacular, it kind of reminded me of an Oregon Sunset off of Depot Bay.
My Dad used to say that he thinks that there's just something wrong with East Coast people and he believes it is attributed to their never ACTUALLY seeing the Sun Set. I think I agree with him. There's something to be said about seeing the day off. You watch a sunrise and you realize... Shoot, I gotta get outta here... I got things to do!! You see a sunset... you can just chill out and if you feel like it.. Go to sleep. That's my kind of Day. Plus, it's pretty relaxing to see a great sunset. Perfect way to end the day.
While it is a great way to start the day, I still prefer the evening sunset on the Pacific. I used to have a picture, (why I need a scanner) when I was in Okinawa, where I was on this "Globe Monument in Naha" and you could see the sunrise on the Pacific and see the Sunset on the East China Sea. Neat place. I can't wait to go back.
Tulips in Bloom
It's a good day, here. Could be a Metaphor for things to come?
I'm not really sure why... But man, I like Tulips.
We plant them at EVERY house we've lived in. I suppose it's just a thing we do. This year I got some Tulips that are Red and Yellow. All in one flower. We're referring to them as the Marine Flowers.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
3521 / 3522
Yep... I know, I know. For those of you that are still in your chairs... let's take a moment to let the others pick themselves up and sit back down and recover from Blacking out.
That being said... It's official. It's been a tightly guarded secret as not to Jinx it, but... No need to keep it anymore. Starting Monday, I work for DS2.
I know... What's DS2? Well, it's easier to just look it up in Google. But, they are a base contractor here on base that I believe just won a contract to take over some Military Jobs here on base. As some of you may know, Civilians are slowly being asked to perform jobs and tasks that Marines used to do. What that means is... I have more than likely become a 3521. What in the hell is a 3521? Well, it's the same thing as Heather. It's a Mech. Working on HMMWV's, LVS, and other Green vehicles, performing 1st, 2nd, and some 3rd echelon work on these vehicles. If you've been around the military for a number of years, you've slowly been seeing more and more jobs turn into civilian jobs. Well... I guess you can chalk me up as one of those civilians, now.
As I understand it, I should be working at what might be Division Motor T. For those of you that have been here before, it's the Motor T lot behind the Steam Plant, sort of across the street form the Hadnot Point 7 Day store. So.... yeah, it's a base job.
New Contract, so I think the hours are gonna be out of this world at first. Lots of OT. That's just common to new contracts. It was the same with Hazco at Pendleton.
I will post more when I find out more.
Some of you are wondering about pay. My Dad taught me a great life lesson to never talk about money. I can just tell you that... it's enough to keep us ALL happy. Basically.... It's great.
Take Care.
I out.
We're going camping tomorrow for a few Days at the Beach.
I'm married to a Heuer. Every once in a while... Her luck rubs off on me. If you're a Heuer, you won't get it. If you weren't born one but married one or know one... You'll get it.
Later Skaters.
Yep... I know, I know. For those of you that are still in your chairs... let's take a moment to let the others pick themselves up and sit back down and recover from Blacking out.
That being said... It's official. It's been a tightly guarded secret as not to Jinx it, but... No need to keep it anymore. Starting Monday, I work for DS2.
I know... What's DS2? Well, it's easier to just look it up in Google. But, they are a base contractor here on base that I believe just won a contract to take over some Military Jobs here on base. As some of you may know, Civilians are slowly being asked to perform jobs and tasks that Marines used to do. What that means is... I have more than likely become a 3521. What in the hell is a 3521? Well, it's the same thing as Heather. It's a Mech. Working on HMMWV's, LVS, and other Green vehicles, performing 1st, 2nd, and some 3rd echelon work on these vehicles. If you've been around the military for a number of years, you've slowly been seeing more and more jobs turn into civilian jobs. Well... I guess you can chalk me up as one of those civilians, now.
As I understand it, I should be working at what might be Division Motor T. For those of you that have been here before, it's the Motor T lot behind the Steam Plant, sort of across the street form the Hadnot Point 7 Day store. So.... yeah, it's a base job.
New Contract, so I think the hours are gonna be out of this world at first. Lots of OT. That's just common to new contracts. It was the same with Hazco at Pendleton.
I will post more when I find out more.
Some of you are wondering about pay. My Dad taught me a great life lesson to never talk about money. I can just tell you that... it's enough to keep us ALL happy. Basically.... It's great.
Take Care.
I out.
We're going camping tomorrow for a few Days at the Beach.
I'm married to a Heuer. Every once in a while... Her luck rubs off on me. If you're a Heuer, you won't get it. If you weren't born one but married one or know one... You'll get it.
Later Skaters.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Three x Ten
Well.... That would be Thirty. Thirty. Thirty. Quite the stepping stone and mile marker. She has finally joined the ranks of us Adults, as she would put it.
Heather's 30. What a great Birthday. It seems that most people I know have great Birthdays. Heather is the first day of spring. What a great, beautiful, glorious day. Plus, it's her birthday. Other people I know? Brett.... Cinco de Mayo. Jason.... Groundhog day. Leslie.... Halloween. My Mom.... Columbus Day. Hayden.... April Fools Day. My Nana.... Election Day. My Grandma Alderson.... Christmas. Belinda.... Same day as my brother, March 9th. Others that make it memorable for me? Emily... March 8th. One day before my brother. Chris, day after Christmas. Jim, Day before Brett, and day before Cinco de Mayo. Which is why I love finding Mexico stuff for Jim. My Aunt Barb.... Day after my Mom's Birthday. (next oldest sister... That's pretty cool.) Anyway, it seems that everyone that I know has a great birthday "day." Me... well.... it's just a birthday. That's kind of the way I like it, though.
Anyway, She's 30. I love her, she still looks 23, and she's had 3 kids, and she's a Marine. That's a hell of an accomplishment.
Plus... She's my wife. My best friend. And... She makes me laugh. Couldn't ask for anything better.
Love you Heather.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Yep. He wasn't allowed to come home with his car...
Too Funny. He came in 3rd place, overall.
He's stoked and a little pissed. He just want to bring it home and play with it.
Too Funny. He came in 3rd place, overall.
He's stoked and a little pissed. He just want to bring it home and play with it.
It's GO TIME, BABY!!!!
On This Sixteenth Day Of March, in the Year Of Our Lord Two Thousand and Seven (3/16/07.) Yes... It's True and it's finally here. We, (the kids and I) are all JAMMIN' OUT to some Twisted Sister and a little Gwen Stefani to get ourselves all JACKED UP!!!
That's the start of the slide
That's the end of the slide. Think David Lee Roth
It's gonna happen, and we shall all bare witness to it! It's the Pinewood Derby. Officialy kicking off this grand extravaganza at 1700 (5:30 pm) and we're all a little buzzed right now on Heavy Metal and Powerade!! Looking to see just who comes home with the gold.
This car, from it's inception is HAYDEN'S IDEA!! He chose the shape ( He told me how he wanted it to look, and after NUMEROUS drawings, I guess I got it right), I tried to let him carve it a little but he damn near lost a thumb. SO, off the Hobby Shop we went to let a professional Retired Marine do the dirty work. Then, he 100% chose the paint scheme, chose the number of his car. and even decided on the finishing touches, which were LEGO pieces, to add some flair. Brilliant, if you ask me!! I chose the Gold Rims, but he conccured with my decision.
This thing has been an ABSOLUTE BLAST to do!! I know what I'm up for though, as soon as we get there. There's gonna be all the bells and whistles and greased wheels and pissed off fathers and NASCAR themed cars and did I mention there will possibly be some pissed off fathers there? It's inevitable. I hope they all act their age and billet, as father, not asshole.
Anyway, Hayden is JACKED!! He can hardly contain himself. The kids had no school today, and so he's had ALL DAY to bug me about it. What's been harder is letting him NOT play with it. He has a jealous sister and even more jealous brother who are ALL looking to ruin his day.
We must have LITERALLY 75 different colors of Acrylic paint. And he chose Red, White, and Blue. Plus, he wanted a little gold. He realized that I got Gold Medals for coming in first for Bowling and he said he wanted his number 100 in GOLD!!! Dude is funny smart!! Will we win tonight? Who cares. We'll laugh and smile. That's all I'm really hoping to get out of this. If we come home with a little hardware... We won't complain. Shit, if we come home with hardware, Hayden is gonna be Shittin' in Tall Cotton tonight. He's got a Sleep-over Birthday party at the Neighbors House.
I hope he wins. More importantly, I hope he has fun!!!
Can't wait. Some days it's good to be me. And, I quote.. "You're the best, Dad!!" HA!! Beat that!! You couldn't bring me down if you tried!!
Later, Skaters!!!
Friday, March 9, 2007
Greg David Brown

Not Gregory, and not Gregg, with two G's. But Greg. Yep... That's my Brother. (my little brother) He's 30 today. 30!! Holy cow! Greg, I suppose I just never thought you would get old. And 30's not really old!! But, when speaking of your "little" brother, 30 just sounds like a weird word to say.
Okay, so Greg is and just may be the FUNNIEST PERSON in our ENTIRE FAMILY!!! Yes, everyone has one, and in our family, we are lucky enough to have Greg as ours. This guy is smart... fast... witty... brilliant... caring... and has probably the best laugh I have ever heard in my life. Still unmatched.
I miss my brother. I think that's not too unatural... Greg and I were typical brothers back in the day... We fought, we laughed, we fought some more, we played, we fought a little bit more, and sometimes, just sometimes, we smiled. Last time I saw Greg was his wedding. After that, I hopped on a plane and went back to Nebraska. (I was on borrowed time with work.)
Greg and I have had this dream that we would always live next door to each other and our kids would play together. I suppose I messed up that part of the plan. Sorry, bro. I wish I had a scanner. I really do. There are some GREAT pictures of Greg that I would love to upload, but however, I do not. So, there may or may not be a picture that I can add to this. Actually, here's a tid bit of info. Greg had this stuffed animal named "Henry" since he was just a squirt. Well, after years of resewing by my "master" sewing Dad (whom I probably get my knack of sewing from) Henry had been repaired atleast 30 times. Missing 1/2 his sewing after years of dog chewing, brother ripping, tug of wars and just all around loving, Henry was finally buried in the backyard of our Molalla home on Hwy 211. I think that Greg buried a piece of his soul that day. Very sad. It's hard letting go of your childhood. My childhood stuffed animal (George) was burned in a house fire, shortly after Greg's "Henry" was buried. I guess that's just fate. Well, one year, it occured to me after talking with Greg online about different things and "Henry" came up. So, I got to researching and looking around and in Colorado of all places, I found one. Unreal. So after another couple of weeks of bargaining and scamming and all around giving in... It was mailed to my house. JACKPOT!!! Well, couple of weeks later... It was in a box on the way to Oregon. Greg got it a couple days later and as I understand it, was "kinda happy." Great moment.
Look, there are numerous Mark and Greg stories; There's Greg at Rockaway dancing and being the goof ball for the family while playing UNO. There's the Greg who hit a parked truck while on his bike looking at me and talking and then... BAM!! There's the Greg who used to stay up with me at Aunt Donna's house playing with our stuffed animals Henry and Tim and George, laughing our ASSES off till midnight then passing out from exhaustion. There's the Greg that used to ride with me to 7-11 and drink slushee's and play video games. Then take the long ride back home with one hand on the bike and one hand clutching our drinks. Then, there's the Greg fell off his bike, chin first, then a year later rode a skateboard on his stomach and hit a hole. It's a vision of Greg wearing a "wildlife safari" shirt with a "V" shaped area of blood covering half his shirt, holding his chin and a lady walking him home. Amazing. Greg's tough. There's the Greg that I took to get his FIRST TATTOO (pre-graduation present, good thing he graduated) Then there's the Greg who asked if we could have an Exchange Student from Colombia live with us (Marcel... What a great year.) Then there's the Greg who was brave and held his composure until the minute I had to leave home. Backing up in my S-10, there was Greg. Teary eyed and saying goodbye. Tough moment for me. I imagine it was just as tough for him. There was his big brother, being told to leave. And he had just a coulpe of minutes muster up the courage to say goodbye. Then, there's the Greg that I remember the most. Infact, when I think of Greg, this is the picture I get in my mind's eye... It' Greg, one leg cocked up on the running board of Dad's Van (which he still has to this day,) he's got huge shades on, must be about 4, wearing period 70's clothes that were probably my hand me downs, green shirt, straight brown hair, and a huge Greg Smile. Now that's the Greg that basically defined him even to this day. Smiles, and standing on his own.
I have a hard memory for me of Greg in tears at my Marine Corps Graduation. He later told me that he was envious of me and even tried to join the Marines just after that. It was at that point that I think Greg and I hugged more often and became really "close." Now, Greg and I are HORRIBLE at calling each other and I feel bad about that. I think we get that from our Dad. But, that's just the way we are. We don't call. We still love each other. We just don't call. Anyway, things in the past 5 years have gone from confusing to Perfect. He's got a great wife, great kids, great job, and an overall great life. It feels good. We, as a family, used to worry about Greg A LOT!! But, not anymore.
Greg... I will try to call you (that means that I'm going to call, it's just up to you to answer) and tell you Happy Birthday. Alright, little brother, I love you and take care.
Mary Poppins
Okay... One of the best movies to ever have been created.... Yeah, Mary Poppins. Laugh if you will, but I LOVE THAT MOVIE. So, like any good parent I am going to force feed all the goodness that I know of right into their impressionable minds, whether they like it or not. Thankfully, they seem to like it.
So, every so often, Mason goes into the TV room and I put a movie on for him. (It was a crappy day outside) Well, he was glued to it. He loved it! Plus, Hayden and Maisy love this movie as well. Well, Mason was pretty pooped when he was watching it, and passed right out. Pretty cute.
What happened to good movies like Mary Poppins? I mean, where the hell did they all go? In my list of great classics is Mary Poppins, Wizard of Oz, It's a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, Freaky Friday, and The Apple Dumpling Gang. It's a shame, really.
Good thing for DVD players, right? I could go on for hours about how when I was young, we didn't have these movies at our disposal. We had to wait for them to come on TV once or twice a year on some obscure day. But, that may be for another day.
Enjoy. I'm out.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Fucking Gas...
Let me tell you a few things.... I'm getting a little pissed off with the price of gas. Actually, I don't know what's more frustrating; the fact gas is $2.59 a gallon or the fact that I own (in theory) a 2005 F150 4x4 Super Crew with a 3.73 differential? I'm gettin hosed, here. I mean... It cost me damn near 70 dollars to fill up today. 70 bucks!!!! By the way... It's a 30 gallon tank. That's big money. Believe me, I know it could be worse. I could be paying alomst 100 bucks to fill up. I've been in that situation, by the way. I wasn't really thrilled then, either. But, god dammit... I like having a truck. Since I was 19, I have owned a truck in one shape or another. In fact, I can't really see myself without a truck. Plus... Just as a side note... This isn't hurting out budget AT ALL, it's just the god damn principle behind it!!!
Anyone remember when we used to get all hell bent over 1.49 a gallon? I do. I remember driving to a gas station over by Stater bros. just to get .99 cent a gallon gas vs. the station near out apartment that sold gas for .03 cents more. Now, I'm at damn near triple that amount.
Aint a damn thing I can do about it, except bitch. SO, since this is my blog and my platform... I'm gonna bitch.
I know that most of you feel my pain. I'm not alone. I say we blow up cars all together and go on horseback or carriages. I watched Little House when I was younger... I could do it.
Anyone remember when we used to get all hell bent over 1.49 a gallon? I do. I remember driving to a gas station over by Stater bros. just to get .99 cent a gallon gas vs. the station near out apartment that sold gas for .03 cents more. Now, I'm at damn near triple that amount.
Aint a damn thing I can do about it, except bitch. SO, since this is my blog and my platform... I'm gonna bitch.
I know that most of you feel my pain. I'm not alone. I say we blow up cars all together and go on horseback or carriages. I watched Little House when I was younger... I could do it.
Monday, March 5, 2007
The Buzz
What's the buzz all about?
I'll tell you, chatty... (Those of you older than 40 remember the Chatty Cathy dolls.) Today was Hayden's Cub Scout Meeting. That being said, a couple of weeks ago we predetermined that our Meeting would be held at the Bowling Alley. Why the bowling alley? Well, I'll tell you. In Cub Scouts/Tiger Scouts you get to earn belt medals, to add to your belt, like loops, for "trades" and "sports" that you have learned as a Pack. SO, tonight was bowling. We went over the rules and we played. And man... did we play.
It was a great time.
I'll tell you, chatty... (Those of you older than 40 remember the Chatty Cathy dolls.) Today was Hayden's Cub Scout Meeting. That being said, a couple of weeks ago we predetermined that our Meeting would be held at the Bowling Alley. Why the bowling alley? Well, I'll tell you. In Cub Scouts/Tiger Scouts you get to earn belt medals, to add to your belt, like loops, for "trades" and "sports" that you have learned as a Pack. SO, tonight was bowling. We went over the rules and we played. And man... did we play.
It was a great time.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Breakfast at the Beach
So, Mason and I decided that after dropping Hayden and Maisy off at the bus stop and saying goodbye, that we needed to go to the beach and walk around for a bit. See, I've spent time with all the kids before at the beach, one on one when they were little like Mason. Yet, it was at Pendleton. There is a famous story of me putting Maisy on a backpack carrier and walking the 6 mile pass to LCAC's. Well, I actually started early that day, like I did today. Got back to the truck and Maisy was red as a lobster on one side of her face because she fell asleep on the way back to the truck (3 miles.) Good stuff. So it was Mason's turn. Dad and the boy. It was nice. Today is fairly warm. So was this morning. So, we went to Onslow Beach here on base and headed South to the pier, turned around, collected shells and shiney rocks and a conch shell. Saw a lot of Dolphins out there but I couldn't get them on camera. They're too damn quick and my camera skills are too slow. I have a quick trigger finger, mind you. I just don't have a fast responding camera. I click the button and it's about a 1 second delay. Makes it tough. Anyways, Back to Mason. He actually walked the entire time. Throwing rocks into the ocean. He was a little pooped when we got home. He went right to sleep come nap time. I'm starting to think that as the weather gets better, we might just make this a regular stop. Tide was high when we got there, but was going down quick by the time we were leaving. Good shell hunting!! Took some other pictures of the Cabins and junk around there so I will post other pics of the place so you guys can actually see what the beach cabins and areas look like.
Anywho, a great time was had by all, and we even topped it off with a trip to the commissary for some groceries... ON A PAY DAY, AT THAT!! That was another adventure all in itself. We came out of there with only one or two battle scars but managed to quell the pain from that place with a pop and some cookies.
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