Well.... That would be Thirty. Thirty. Thirty. Quite the stepping stone and mile marker. She has finally joined the ranks of us Adults, as she would put it.
Heather's 30. What a great Birthday. It seems that most people I know have great Birthdays. Heather is the first day of spring. What a great, beautiful, glorious day. Plus, it's her birthday. Other people I know? Brett.... Cinco de Mayo. Jason.... Groundhog day. Leslie.... Halloween. My Mom.... Columbus Day. Hayden.... April Fools Day. My Nana.... Election Day. My Grandma Alderson.... Christmas. Belinda.... Same day as my brother, March 9th. Others that make it memorable for me? Emily... March 8th. One day before my brother. Chris, day after Christmas. Jim, Day before Brett, and day before Cinco de Mayo. Which is why I love finding Mexico stuff for Jim. My Aunt Barb.... Day after my Mom's Birthday. (next oldest sister... That's pretty cool.) Anyway, it seems that everyone that I know has a great birthday "day." Me... well.... it's just a birthday. That's kind of the way I like it, though.
Anyway, She's 30. I love her, she still looks 23, and she's had 3 kids, and she's a Marine. That's a hell of an accomplishment.
Plus... She's my wife. My best friend. And... She makes me laugh. Couldn't ask for anything better.
Love you Heather.
1 comment:
oh how nice, i am getting tearful!
sorry i didnt read this yesterday heather, happy birthday! remember i am a DECADE older than you, ouch! :)
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