So, yeah.... 105 more days till the release of this book. I am truly a enormous Harry Potter retarded, geeky, freak about these books. Don't bother buying me any. I own them all. I read them more than once. I have all the movies. J.K. Rowling, may go down in history as the equivilant to Stephen King, Daniell Steele, and William Shakespeare as far as name / book recognition.
Speaking of Stephen King, this is another Author in which I am stupid about. I think it all started with Cujo for me. Seeing that movie as a kid scared the shit out of me. Stuck since. Anyway, the Dark Tower Series... Totally bitchin'!! My little brother, Greg, and I are friggin freaks about this series. Greg... He may have me by 1/2 a notch on this one. They started putting out the Dark Tower Series Comic books. According to my brother, they are flippin amazing. He buys 5 copies of each one for various reasons. I can't find ANY of them out here, or I'd probably do the same. I guess, they're only putting out a certain number of issues, and that may be it. Like an appendix to the series or an addition in a sense. This has been going on for a few months. I still can't find ANY out here. I'm relying on my brother (who kicks ass!!) to take care of me on this.

1 comment:
ok, i read the gunslinger, it was awesome...but i will have to read the next book after i get thru the huge to do list i have waiting. i am definitely the queen dork for harry potter...so don't try and hog the crown!
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