I got sick. Holy hell. This sucks. I don't know what I did, or who I was around, but I got sick. My throat feels like I just got done swallowing flaming tacks, and my head feels like I just polished off 5 bottles of Duplin County Muscadine Wine. I don't know what's worse, the Congestion? Or the sore throat? Either way, this SUCKS. I don't even feel like eating, and swallowing any form of fluids, whether it's Gatorade, Water, or Milk, is an arduous process. On top of that, I TRIED to explain to the kids why Dad's a little slow to get EVERY request satisfied. Doesn't matter.
Man, on top of that, we had a gnarly ass bitchin set of storms last night. We're talking... Tornado watches, Severe thunderstorm warnings and watches, HAIL, Massive amounts of rain. On top of ALL that, right in the MIDDLE of a BITCHIN' Rain / thunder and lightning storm, Maisy wants to know " why can't we go to the beach?" Too much. We were on our way back from the Main Exchange. We bought some Cepecol and the Bee Movie. Both were worth their money. I asked if she was serious... Her answer was that "we NEVER get to go to the beach and I just want to go to the beach." If gas weren't almost 4 bucks a gallon, I would have driven to the beach and made her get out of the truck and play in it, just to see if she'd do it. 10 foot seas and all.
I've figured her out. You have to just straight up, call her out on her bullshit sometimes. I missed a fabulous opportunity yesterday. It would have been a great educational experience too. I could have busted out my Marine Biology knowledge from College on her and shown her (from the truck, cause she'd be outside and I'd be dry) all the neat Marine Life that thrives during storms. "Never pass up an opportunity to train." A great and famous quote from SSgt Radaker.
Anyway, it's like 0231 here and I'm wide awake. Coughing, and clearing my raw throat. I should get to sleep but I gotta be up in 90 minutes, anyway. I'm out of creamer, otherwise I'd start the coffee.
Here's a cute picture to go out on. Caught them being cute in the morning. Rarely happens around here. But they were caught in the act of GETTING ALONG.

Later, skaters