I had an idea where I was gonna take this posting but as i thought about it, I thought.... You're just gonna sound like a whiner. And I'm not gonna feed the ideas of others that I KNOW are out there that think that anyway. So, I did the retrospective. Again, could just be more whining but.... I don't have anyone to talk to here, so I suppose retrospectives are all that i have right now. OR self analization (sp?) Anyway.. Work SEEMED so much "easier" for my parents growing up, that being said, I know that it was actually HARDER in reality. However, I have parents that are both self made successful people, but on the same hand, I have a Dad, that spent over 25 yrs. at one place. That is almost unheard of these days. I would love NOTHING more than to spend 25 years working at a place. THis isn't a knock on being a traveling family at all, by the way, but it's an undeniable trend that MOST Americans these days don't spend more than 4 yrs with an employer without moving on to another. Why is that?? Are we just a greedy generation? Probably. What made us greedy? Are we a whining generation? Maybe. But what the fuck made us such whiners? Well, if that is even true, that falls on our PARENTS and our UPBRINGING doesn't it? We only know what we're taught, right? Anyway, I don't think that's it either. But, what i think it is, is EMPLOYERS of today are the 70's / 80's Reagan era generation "whiners" and "self consuming" "all for me and none for you, I got mine, I don't care about yours" generation of Americans. Therefore, this is our option in this generation. We have these people to guide us and to "lead" these generations of "workers." Well, I hate it. I absolutely hate it. It's completely out of the question, but what i wouldn't give right now to be Grizzly Adams and just fucking live in the woods. Who cares. I can see the "intelligent" comments off this post already just by my reference to Grizzly Adams.
Anyway, Most of us reading this post had a parent at home raising one of you. Unless you're 40 or younger possibly. What caused that? Why is it necessary that it be so different these days? That's a whole other discussion i suppose, and one that i don't want to get into right now, either. But, my point is, My Parents put up with some shit growing up with their jobs, but I can't believe that they put up with the amount of "political" bullshit that we seem to put up with now a days.
I used to love my job.
I still do like part of it, but damn... now I work for a HUGE corporation (Lockheed Martin) and have to deal with the end result of contracts negotiations and military allocations associated with military contracts, and so on and so forth. The politics that is created with the end result of both of these factors is ridiculous.
My political part of this isn't who's in charge now, and why he should or shouldn't be, but I'm watching a corporation toy with peoples jobs (a lot of peoples jobs) all because 4 people have a "plan" that betters themselves and makes them a "hero" for about 2 weeks. WOW. This doesn't really involve my job, and that may be the irritating part of this that it's irritating me. It doesn't affect me one way or the other, but the fact that other people are sweating it, is making my god damn job HARD. There's hard jobs and then there's HARD to morally stick around for jobs. This one's becoming the latter of the two.
Is the pay good? Yeah, for now. Is that about to change? A little, but I don't really care about the money. I care about the principle.
Heather has told me to QUIT probably about no shit... A dozen times. That would be easy to do, and wouldn't be a problem. Then what do i do? I actually enjoy the end result of this job and "why" we are here doing this job. Americans wonder what they can do to support the troops. I actually LIVE it every day, and we actually better the troops morale, welfare, and way of life just by doing the things we do. As a Marine, all you wanna do when you get off that bird or boat, is go home. What we do, ensures they do that, for one example, but there's so much more going on with this place than that. So on one hand it's one of the few REWARDING jobs i've ever had in my life. All of us Marines that work there, feel like we're giving back to our Marine Corps that we love so much by doing what we do. It's a good feeling. Heather knows what's happening where i work, and she may need to post a comment to make it real for every one else that she really thinks i should quit just for the sanity of things with this job. It's an option, considering that we plan on getting some orders out of here within the next 15 months. She looks at it as, we don't need the money, I can stay home with the kids after school, and during the summer doing neat things, and blah blah blah... She has a point, but god damn... We did that in Nebraska. And contrary to popular belief Heather was behind 100% of me not working and staying home. It's not something i came up with for the shit's of it.
Anyways. This part is for you Heather... I hear you, and you're right. I should walk. But i can't right now. If it gets worse, and you know what i mean... I will. But for now, I have to stick this out. I'll be safe no matter what, but I have to stick around just to be there for everyone else at work. It's a blue shirt thing. I would love to do what you talk about with me, and that would be a great plan considering the bonus that's coming and our situation that we would be in because of it, but I have to work, just to keep my damn mind busy. Where is the happy medium?? I guess there is no happy medium right now. Hopefully this thing will all work itself out.
I guess there's always the GI Bill? Ha ha.. We'll see... (inside joke / conversation)
Would be nice though. That is an option if it comes to that.