What a great book so far...
I've only read a part of this book so far, but wow.... I highly suggest reading this book.
I'm mostly speaking to Chris and Leslie, and Heather, my brother Greg (these are all who probably agree with me and would agree with this book.) Actually, there's nothing really to try to agree with, come to think about it.
It's about how kids these days don't do what we used to do even just 15-20 years ago. Which is being outside. Walking thru the woods, experiencing nature, trees, animals, being able to identify what kind of tree a certain tree is by looking at it.
How these days, kids are just missing out on nature and our environment because of lazy parents.
It's great.
Throw the Wii, Playstation 3, XBOX, and all that other shit away and get outside. Dont' settle for parks.
Get outdoors.
Read it
oh i have already researched this book, way ahead of ya! living in this cement jungle, i am more than super aware of how little nature we have got going on. this book rocks (i just bought "i love dirt" on the title alone, which has some good activities to try out) if i could live in a log cabin in the woods, far far from civilization, i would be there asap! get me out of here!
did i mention i love this book?
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