Tuesday, November 4, 2008


If you don't vote, you're lazy.

If you don't vote, you have no room to bitch about our govt. until you do vote. Until then, shut up.

If you don't vote, you're a turd.

If you don't vote.. well... then you DIDN'T VOTE!!!

This all applies if you're healthy enough to vote, aren't in a coma in the hospital, or if you're living in a cave.

Other than that.... no excuses.

Vote, god dammit

Especially you on the west coast, my Oregon and California family.

Colorado?? You're fucked, it's just eastern California. Good luck.
Colorado is like California with a rocky mountain view, and tornadoes, and snow.


VOTE dammit.

We did it, and we don't even live in our state that we voted in. If we can do it, you can do it.

I don't care who you vote for, but just do it.


Anonymous said...

voted last week

Anonymous said...

you know i did!