The other.... Paul A Lanquist. Fantastic! Does great Oregon Prints and Alaska Prints and even has branched off into the Colorado and Wyoming areas. For me... this is the kind of art I like. I own a few of his prints. And he has so many, I'd have to be a cagillionaire to own them all, but Damn, I wish I could.
T.E. Breitenbach is another one. Man.. amazing. If you really take the time to stare at them, you'll lose your mind. If you've been to my house, you've seen his prints that i have of his. SIGNED! Yeah buddy.
Anyway... check em out, when you're bored. Just google em..
Here's some of Paul A Lanquist's prints. They're usually called PAL prints.

1 comment:
awesome! thanks for sharing this, now i have a new artist to love. just what i needed, ha ha! these are amazing and i love the combo of painting/printwork, the style has both to me. you can see brushwork which is a little loose, but the overall structure is very neat and "printlike" if that makes sense. love it! i will definitely check out more.
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