Yep... It's back.
Harley forgot to tighten a bolt when I brought it in for a warranty issue, and consequently, 2 weeks ago while I was riding, my rear half of my bike was covered in OIL. Needless to day, hot oil baked onto everything; brand new exhaust, swingarm, tire, rear brake, belt, and other parts. They had given me a call the next day and said sorry... our fault. So, after a while, they decided to step up to the plate and replace everything damaged with brand new parts. Not bad. They stepped up to the plate and took care of it. Had a few hiccups here and there, but it all got worked out.
Took it for a ride this weekend and it runs great. I was having issues with popping on decel, but not anymore. Can't figure that out. Doesn't matter. Doesn't do it anymore. By the way, it was kind of cold out yesterday. Made for an iteresting ride. Started out sort of warm and ended up giving me numb legs.
The irony is, bikes seem to run better while being introduced to COLD air. I however, don't want to ride in COLD air. Now, if they could just make a motor that loves hot air. I'd be first in line.
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