Girl Scouts have Cookies.
I mean, when I say they have cookies, I mean, WE have cookies. One of Heather's many Junk Food Vices. The ever immortal "Thin Mint." Yes, the thin mint holds a very special place in our household. It's usually the precursor to the other more volaltile, fought after, and hoarded Cadbury Egg. Jesus, it never ends. So, yes. Cookies, Cadbury Eggs, going door to door, store to store, and then... you soon realize that your Freezer is literaly HALF FULL (not half empty, cause once the supply looks like its diminishing, it's soon restocked Ricky-Tick!) with BOXES of Cookies, and BOXES of Cadbury Eggs.
For someone like myself, this is a challenging time. See, I'm not Slender by any means. So, usually at this point in the year, my bike seems to get fewer and fewer miles. The running shoes seem to collect a little dust, and my fingers usually get that familiar glint of residual chocolate on them. It's a very trying time. That's just me. You ought to see Heather. It's Horrilbe. She often says that when it came to those two items, Girl Scout Cookies and Cadbury Eggs, they were usually something you'd draw blood over, growing up. She also says that she has no control when it comes to these things. There may be some credence to that satement. I've actually witnessed her polish off an entire box of thin mints just to see her hit the freezer a 1/2 hour later for a Cadbury Egg. It's truly an amazing sight. I can only imagine how the other Heuers manage during this season.
So why can't the Girl Scouts offer a truly healty cookie? Because it has the word "cookie" in it. It presupposes that it's NOT going to be healthy, and that if you DO own a bike, you best get your ass on there and ride. In my case, I suppose I'll stop pedaling somewhere near Topeka, Kansas. I'm not asking they create some Tofu Thin Mint. Though, I'd probably eat it, I just can't support an idea like that.
So... It's that time of year to create a budget. Clean out the freezer and I suppose, tighten up the laces and just suck it up.
we can send you some camp fire candy too. ha ha.
oh, i forgot to add, cadbury eggs are a problem in this house. "someone" buys them by the cases (and cases) and then eats them all....and it's not me.
yes, it is true. cadbury eggs and thin mints were treated like gold in our house growing up. had to secure them under lock and key and guard them with your life.
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