I bowl.
I bowl on Tuesday Nights on a league comprised of 5 of us. Myself, and 4 others from Heather's work. We bowl alright. Last league we took 1st place. This league (2nd half,) we got stomped last night. I mean, we got our asses handed to us. Wow. I haven't taken a beating like that since since the days on the quarterdeck.
When I lived in the barracks and Heather and I were dating, I had a roommate named Larry. He used to watch "pro wrestling." Any and all of it. WWF, RAW, and all the other crap that comes on. We christened this night, "white trash night." Each night wrestling was on, my room was full of dudes watching wrestling. There were a lot of high fives going on, some hooping and hollering, and some immitation of their favorite wrestlers "move." Basically all the latent homosexual fantasies were fulfilled on these nights. See, it was my TV, but Larry bought cable. So, in order for me watch Hockey and stuff, there had to be a comprimise. Perhaps this is what started Heather and I having a tradition of going to Applebee's twice a week. Anyhow, white trash night has been replaced with dork night. Now, I am on the end that gets ridiculed.
chris says, "thats a good one"
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